Congrats to the Mrs. Woods. This month Julia was featured in the Professional Photographers magazine and our image was choosen for the magazine cover. The article is a self-help for photographers to give them new ideas on marketing. PortraitLife is labeled as one of the premier boutique studios in our industry. What is a boutique studio? It is a studio that chooses to do something different and exclusive for a more decerning type of client base. Julia and I desire to make the ordinary - extra-ordinary. We take the time to sit down with each client and dream up new ideas to make their session unique to them.
"Everything about the Woodses' photography business, images, and marketing style shouts urban chic, a sophistication the captures the imagination of a fashion-conscious clients." Says Ann K. Monteith (past president of PPA and marketing guru)
The story behind the front cover image:
We were so excited to see this image make the front cover because we love the story behind it. We took this image last fall at the The Bachman Farm. Wendy and Jason Bachman were moving from their farm into the city with their three boys. They were saying good bye to a house and farm that had been a big part of their lives. Times like this is what makes this job so special. It's what Julia and I love to do and why we call the buisness PortraitLife. No background, no props just a loving family having fun with their kids. Thank you to the Bachman's for giving us this opportunity to capture a part of their families history. We are happy to call them a part of our PortraitLife Family.
Incredible!!! Just got my copy today! You guys are amazing!
Posted by: David Jay | June 01, 2007 at 10:42 AM
Wonderful! I loved visiting you.
Posted by: Gene Smith | August 13, 2007 at 06:00 PM